UNCLE REECE Tape 3 – Stress Relief


It’s been tough watching my favorite Uncle as he adjusts to being fully out of the closet. As a fellow gay man, I’m glad to see him pursue his authenticity, but I’ve also watched from afar as his marriage dissolved. In my opinion, Uncle Reece needs to move somewhere that he can get a fresh start and really come into himself. That’s why I invited him out when a friend of mine was looking to rent out his apartment. Though he’s a generation older, I suppose there’s a part of me that sees him as a complete novice in the gay world, and who wouldn’t want to help their favorite Uncle if they could? We went to look at the apartment, and though I had high hopes, he decided it wasn’t right for him. Uncle Reece still had time in town, so he said he was going to go look at some other places. He was gone most of the day, and I secretly hoped that meant good news, that maybe he’d found a place he liked and, most importantly in my mind, would be moving his home (and hot body) closer to me. The look of disappointment on his face when he came home told me everything I needed to know. He’d looked at a dozen different places that day but none turned his crank. He said they were all too small, which surprised me. I asked why he needed so much space. He said he was hopeful that would show his son (my cousin) Hunter that despite all the chaos of recent months Uncle Reece would always keep room for Hunter to be in his life. When Hunter was ready, of course. Uncle Reece flopped onto my couch, utterly defeated. This whole thing was really getting to him and I could see the stress bunched up in his shoulders. Without even thinking I started to massage his shoulders while he told me about his disappointing day. Feeling his broad shoulders brought back the feelings I’d had when we toured my friend’s apartment and ended up “breaking the place in” by having a quickie right there. The sensation of getting a good breeding in my friend’s apartment from my newly-out Uncle was so hot I knew I’d never forget it. Apparently Uncle Reece had that on his mind too. My shoulder rubs brought a smile to his face, but it was when he motioned for me to sit down next to him that a big grin took over mine! We started to caress each other, desperate for what the other had beneath all our clothes. I knew there was another way to help him to de-stress, but I wanted him to make the first move so I didn’t appear over-eager. I had barely sat down but we both knew instinctively what was going to happen…

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