APPRENTICE WATERS Chapter 1 – The Interview


He picked up a small black fabric bag and carefully eased its contents out. There was clear glass or plastic object inside which, rather suspiciously, was shaped like a penis. I instinctively knew that he wanted to push it into me and the thought was terrifying. It was three times the diameter of his finger and really not far off the size of my own penis. He sprayed the glass and my dick with a huge amount of oil before starting to push his finger into me again. My entire body erupted into the shakes. As predicted, he was soon pressing the penis-like object against my butt, slowly and patiently applying pressure until I felt my hole relaxing and beginning to open up. And then I felt it creeping into me. It hurt. It really hurt, but I felt my muscles gripping around it like a clamp and pulling it inside me. It was by far the most intense thing that has ever happened to me. And I was rock hard throughout. Harder than I’ve been in my life before. He started to rub my dick really hard. Up and down he went, sending me into a state of absolute ecstasy. I felt a prickling sensation in my balls which started to grow out of control. It was like there was a knot inside me which needed to be released somehow. My entire body went hot and began to tingle. And then it happened. A white liquid came shooting out of the tip of my penis, all over the Master’s hand and onto my belly. I knew instinctively that I had orgasmed. And it felt real good.

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