APPRENTICE DEVALL Chapter 3 – The Initiation


Part of me felt a little sorry for Apprentice Devall as he entered the ceremonial space. He had no idea how horny I was feeling and how hard he was going to get it. As I rubbed the warm, slippery oil into my hands, I felt a rush of profound sexual energy. Every part of the Apprentice must be anointed. It is an erotic and deeply connecting experience. I turned him around and ran my hands over his peachy ass. I have seldom seen such a beautiful butt. I soon had my tongue inside his hole. He tasted warm and sweet. I removed my clothes and pressed my naked chest against his back while kissing his neck. A little oil was all I needed. I pulled him into position, lined myself up and entered a brand new world… It felt like he was grabbing onto every inch of my dick with his internal muscles, which almost seemed to ripple up and down my shaft. I began to pump him, squatting behind him. He felt sensational. I rolled him onto his back so that I could look into his beautiful, innocent eyes. The position drove me wild. I was his king. His Master. I went harder and harder until I could feel the semen prickling in my balls. This was my moment. My moment to hammer my seed into him. My moment to take ownership of the boy. The cum flew out of me and gushed into him…

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