APPRENTICE DEVALL Chapter 1 – The Interview


Master Napoli looked so powerful and handsome in his fitted white suit. He instructed me to sit down on a fancy chair and explained that he needed to ask me questions which I was to answer honestly. He asked if I’d ever looked at another man in a lustful way. I said no. He asked if I’d looked at pornography involving men. I truthfully said that I hadn’t. But the more Master Napoli continued with his bizarre line of questioning, the more I found myself thinking about sex. Worse still, I realized I was thinking about it with him. He asked if I was willing to prove that I wasn’t sexually attracted to men. Then he told me to stand and undress. I did so without hesitation. He ordered me to sit down again, pulling my hands behind the chair and tying them together with some kind of rope. Then I felt his hands gently running over my chest. My entire body suddenly felt hot and sensitive. I was engulfed, literally engulfed, by a feeling of desire. He squirted oil into his hand and then rubbed it into my dick. The sensation was remarkable. I had no idea that anything could feel that good. His strokes got faster and then I felt one of his fingers entering my hole…

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